Hair Mask Treatment :: An All Natural Remedy

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A woman’s hair reflects her state of well being. As such, all the women I’ve ever known worry about their hair at some point or another. Whether it’s long or short we all want strong, healthy looking hair with a natural sheen. Impulsively, hair fall or dry and damaged hair are all huge concerns of ours. But trust me, there’s no need to stress over them. I got a great solution to this: an all natural hair mask treatment that has worked for me every time and I’m more than certain that it will work for you, too. 😉

Having a hair mask treatment is a lot about ‘me’ time. It’s an opportunity to indulge in taking care of oneself and give your hair a little love. They deserve it after all that hair styling abuse they go through.


Yogurt, honey and eggs are the three ingredients for this all natural DIY remedy. Chances are that you already have these in a cabinet and/or fridge. Yasss! All three are great resources for well nourished, hydrated, shiny hair. Yogurt hydrates and ‘repairs’ the scales of the hair follicles. Honey is a great emollient agent that retains moisture. It smooths and softens hair. Eggs are rich in vitamins A, D, E, proteins and fatty acids. They nourish hair follicles and aid hair growth. They also give hair a great luster and shine.

A glass bowl, a honey vase, a yogurt and an egg on a wooden cutboard. Image by Velvet for Te Esse.

Directions (for medium length hair):

  • 1 Greek style (full fat) yogurt.
  • 1½ spoon full of honey.
  • 1 egg

Take an egg and break it in a bowl. Add all of the yogurt. Next, add on the honey and mix together with a spoon until a uniform “paste” has formed. Apply the mask generously all over scalp and dry hair alike. Cover head with a shower cap and a dry towel over it, in order to retain the heat released from the head. (It will also “contain” somewhat the smell of egg yolk). Leave on for an hour.

Since this mask treatment will give you some “me” time,take advantage of this one hour and indulge yourself in something you enjoy doing like reading or music listening. 😉 I strongly do not recommend exercising, for the mask juices will be running all over your face and I’m sure you’re not going to like that!

After that one hour, rinse with lukewarm water. Next, wash hair with shampoo as usual (personally I apply shampoo twice to make sure that the smell is gone). Note that the head’s heat acts like a catalyst agent for allowing the ingredients to act and nourish.

At times, I have forgotten myself and left it longer than an hour with no harm done. Repeat this treatment every 2-3 weeks. Believe me, there’s no need to do it any sooner. I also never felt the need to carry out this treatment for a period longer than 3 months at a time.

A word about hair loss

Hormonal imbalance, iron deficiency, stress and a whole lot of styling are probably the biggest causes for dull looking hair and hair loss. Pregnancy and breast feeding are some of the most common reasons for a serious case of hormonal balance. The greatest hair loss I’ve ever suffered was months after I gave birth to both my children. I breastfed them for 21 months each and by that time dehydration and major hair loss was a huge issue. Increasing my daily water intake can really help with the dehydration but my hair loss needed some serious action. So I did have to take iron supplements, which helped in the formation of new follicles.

Now, hair follicles have a lifetime. That’s a given. Once the hair follicle dies, it falls off and I don’t think we can do anything to change that. But, hair treatments such as this one are supposed to nourish the ones that are still alive and kicking, making them stronger. Obviously, I haven’t conducted any scientific experiment to prove that it can increase their lifetime span.

However, there was a noticeable change in my hair shine, its fullness and overall appearance and I honestly believe that it helped my hair grow at a faster rate. Hence, I took the liberty to share this with you all, in case it comes useful to you too! So, do let me know if you try it!

Do you have any favorite hair treatments? Share your tips in the comments below!

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