The weekend is finally here and so many of you might be going away on a getaway. Lucky you. Traveling is one of those things I can’t get enough of… Whatever your destination is I wish you the greatest time. Now, in case you are an art lover and happen to travel or live in one of the following cities: London, Paris, Amsterdam or Humlebæk, then consider making a little time for the following art exhibitions. They are worth your time.

London: The Tate Modern
The EY Exhibition: PICASSO 1932 – Love, Fame, Tragedy.
An exhibition with more than a 100 paintings running from March 8th – September 9th. It includes three reclining nudes of his lover Marie-Thérèse Walter and the Girl before a Mirror that belongs at MoMA.
Paris: The Louvre
Delacroix (1798-1863).
The Louvre is exhibiting some 180 paintings by Eugene Delacroix, the French romanticist. It runs from 29th March – 23rd July. The exhibition includes the masterpieces of Liberty Leading the People, The Massacre at Chios, and Women of Algiers.
Amsterdam: Van Gogh Museum
Van Gogh and Japan.
All about Japan’s influence on Van Gogh’s work. Going on till June 24th.
Humlebæk, Denmark: Louisiana Museum of Modern Art
Gabriele Münter.
It runs till 19th August. A show that includes 130 works from the expressionist German painter, many of which have never been displayed before. Sadly, she was overshadowed by her once lover, Russian painter Wassily Kandinsky, but perhaps this show will set things right for her.
Enjoy your weekend, xo