Being in the great outdoors, hiking, watching nature’s transformation or going off the grid, is undoubtedly one of the rewarding experiences – especially now in Fall. But I also think that visiting a good art exhibition is just as exhilarating. Thus, I have I hand picked several art shows on different locations and lands, including four art exhibitions in London, that are worthwhile. So pick the most convenient location for you and plan your visit.
Leonardo da Vinci: A Life in Drawing
The Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham Palace (until October 13, 2019)
Over 200 drawings of Leonardo da Vinci form the largest exhibition of his work in over 65 years, marking the 500th anniversary of his death.
Gauguin Portraits
October 7, 2019–January 26, 2020
The National Gallery
Trafalgar Square
WC2N 5DN London
This is the first ever exhibition focusing solely on portraits of Paul Gauguin, featuring about fifty works from public and private collections worldwide. The show follows his move away from Impressionism towards Symbolism.
William Blake: The Artist
Now open at Tate Britain until February 2, 2020.
This is the largest William Blake exhibition in two decades with some 300 works. He was famous for his poetry, but he also “created some of the most iconic images in British art history.”
TUTANKHAMUN: Treasures of the Golden Pharaoh
Saatchi Gallery, (opens Nov 2, 2019-May 3, 2020)
The largest collection of Tutankhamun’s treasures travel outside of Egypt to London, many of which will be displayed internationally for the first time. This touring exhibition has been quite popular in Paris and L.A. so plan ahead.
Leonardo da Vinci
October 24, 2019–February 24, 2020
Musée du Louvre
Rue de Rivoli
75001 Paris
Another exhibition on Leonardo da Vinci’s work, that includes an exceptional collection of paintings and drawings, including some that have been attributed to him as of late.
Joe Coleman and The Shadow Self
October 25, 2019 to December 7, 2019
Andrew Edlin Gallery, New York
212 Bowery
New York, NY 10012
Félix Vallotton: Painter of Disquiet
October 29, 2019–January 26, 2020
The Met
Fifth Avenue, NYC
This show features portraits, luminous landscapes, and interior narratives from the artist’s career as a painter and printmaker. For those who may be less familiar with his work, it is worth mentioning that his woodcuts earned him a first rank reputation as a printmaker. Personally, I love his approach in landscapes. He once wrote in his journal, “I dream of a painting entirely disengaged from any literal concern about nature. I want to construct landscapes entirely based on the emotions that they have created in me, a few evocative lines, one or two details, chosen, without a superstition of the exactitude of the hour or the lighting.” |cited in Rousseau and Protais (2013), pg. 64
Berthe Morisot: Impressionist Original
October 20, 2019–January 12, 2020
The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Audrey Jones Beck Building5601 Main Street
Houston, TX 77005
As one of the founding members of the Impressionist movement along Degas, Monet and Renoir – Morisot (1841-1895) explored themes of modern life like domestic work, women’s fashion and leisure activities of the bourgeiois. Thus she, portrayed a “woman’s life in the late 19th century.”
Local (current): Athens
Picasso and Antiquity
Until October 20, 2019
Museum of Cycladic Art,
Athens, Greece
This exhibition displays 68 ceramics and drawings by Picasso, inspired by ancient plays thus, creating a “Divine Dialogue between Greek antiquity and modern art.” I don’t believe there has been another exhibition with this theme and therefore, I’m very interested visiting it myself.
So there you have four art exhibitions in London and five more in major cities. I wish I could see them all myself…
Take care now,