Fun Reading 02.23

440 440 Velvet

This is the last Friday for February! The sun is shining outside really bright, and it most definitely feels like spring is just around the corner. Can’t wait for it yet, I kind of hope that the snow on the mountain slopes will last a little longer. I would like to go skiing a couple of times before the season is over. Now, I’m not any good at skiing, but I do enjoy the fresh, crisp air on the slopes enough to wake up early in the morning (and I mean really early although I’m not a morning person). Do you have any outdoor activities you enjoy? Well, in case you do some cocooning in your home then I got a few reading links I’ve rounded up from around the web to keep you busy, starting with Wabi-sabi… 😉

Partial view of Parnassos ski slopes on a sunny day.
Parnassos. (Image by author).

So, here we go: I read today an interesting post about the Wabi Sabi style in 10 steps. This Japanese aesthetic seems to be gaining in popularity, but I’m not sure if this is just another trend that will rise and vanish in due time. It definitely got me thinking though, because surely the design world will give it lots of different interpretations.

The imagery in this post suggests more minimal interiors, organic materials and a lot of neutral hues. But that’s where I object, since nature has a richer color palette than the one minimalists strive for. Anyway, it’s a good read and perhaps you should look into the Japandi :: the cross cultural fusion design trend that surely has Wabi-sabi elements to it. Both posts lay out a foundation for a “new” mindset in interior design that is based on mindful design in home decor.

Next, take a look at this tiny canal cottage home tour. Lots of rusty colors as accents, layering, and a beautiful family who lives there happily. It is a bright, small home but very inviting and cozy, nothing pretentious!

An earthly modern bungalow with lessons in layering is the following home tour. I admired its sense of balance and yes, I was delighted that it wasn’t just another all-white house! 😉

Last but not least: a beautiful mountain retreat home with a Danish influence. It is a great showcase of a minimal home. Personally, I would like to see more artwork, so that it feels more lived in…but, it’s still beautiful.

That’s a wrap for this week. Stay tuned for more…


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