Sunbathing and relaxing by the pool or a beach on a sunbed is always so deliciously fabulous! A little “me” time… But what if you can actually get fit (or stay fit for that matter) without getting off your sunbed? Don’t believe it’s possible? Then watch the following video and see how this may be done. Ifiyenia, my fitness coach, has prepared a little by the pool workout routine that you can do without getting up from your sunbed! A little motivation for self-care under the sun!!!

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Enjoy yourselves,

P.S. Our fitness thread with Ifiyenia Koskina will keep you motivated every Monday. So stay tuned for our next video on 07/30!
Disclaimer: Any injury sustained from proper or improper use of this workout routine is solely the responsibility of the exerciser. We disclaim any liability from injury sustained from the use of this workout and suggest that you consult your professional healthcare provider before attempting any exercise or exercise program.
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