After a few months, I came upon the realization that I haven’t posted the second part to a workout. (Sorry)! I’m talking about the resistance band at home workout that targets muscles of the lower body. Ifiyenia and Elisabeth had a go at it, outdoors at a backyard garden, making it even more fun.

This Part II home workout routine targets the lower body, just like Part I targeted the muscles of the upper body. Hence, you can do both parts in one go for a more well rounded workout or separately depending on your time allowance. So grab your resistance band and a mat and off you go…
Suggested further reading: 10 Benefits of Using Resistance Bands During Exercise
This is one of my favorite workout routines. It’s easy to follow and do just about anywhere. That is why, I packed my resistance band along with my clothing and had a go at these routines during my summer holidays too.
Hope you enjoy it, xo

Disclaimer: Any injury sustained from proper or improper use of this workout routine is solely the responsibility of the exerciser. We disclaim any liability from injury sustained from the use of this workout and suggest that you consult your professional healthcare provider before attempting any exercise or exercise program.
I love a good home workout!