The weekend is here. I don’t know about you, but this week was very stressful. I’m in the middle of a home improvement project: building a new tiny en-suite bathroom and a book translation among other things. So I’m really looking forward to this weekend and catching up with some reading – FUN reading. Meanwhile, I thought I share with you some fun links from around the web. I hope they brighten your weekend as well!

If you have been invited to a get-together and want to buy wine but know nothing about it… check this out!
Are any of you planning to visit Athens, Greece? If not, then read 3+1 reasons to visit Athens… and hopefully you’ll change your mind.
And in case you are living in Athens: Where would you like to dine? This is a list with the best dining spots in Athens.
Now, after some mind traveling, I think a little yoga to undo the damage of a desk job might be in order. I really want to give this a go. However, here’s a small routine with office stretching exercises to release some of tension built-up…as my Plan B.
Change of course. Here are some amazing photographs by Sandro Miller recreated by John Malkovich…that left me speechless! I strongly urge you to find out more about the work of this amazing artist including some of his latest work.
If you are a real coffee lover then you probably know the differences between capuccino vs latte vs macchiato, but just in case you need to refresh the basics, here’s a great article for that written by Asser Christensen, a Q Arabica Grader from Denmark. And lastly, some awesome hotel bathroom design inspiration…
Catch you later,