Monday just rolled in and the weather is still holding up quite well, despite the fact that it’s early November. Last Monday, I didn’t get the chance to post anything from our fitness motivation thread. Therefore without further ado, here’s an effective workout routine, comprised of four exercises that target the chest and arms muscles. No equipment is required and you certainly don’t have to visit a gym. More importantly, this routine will take only something like four minutes of your time. It can be combined with any other of the routines I have previously posted.

I promise you that if you do every day a small routine like this, it will start to make a difference in the long run and you will get hooked as I have. We all enjoy doing something for ourselves, especially when it’s making such a positive change on us…
Hope you have a go at this, xo

Disclaimer: Any injury sustained from proper or improper use of this workout routine is solely the responsibility of the exerciser. We disclaim any liability from injury sustained from the use of this workout and suggest that you consult your professional healthcare provider before attempting any exercise or exercise program.