Hello everyone! Happy Monday to you all. I hope you had a restful weekend, personally I’m recovering from a cold… Anyhow, since it’s Monday how about a little fitness motivation? Ifiyenia has prepared a sculpting dumbbell workout at home routine. It’s ideal for anyone who wishes to tone and sculpt those arms and thigh muscles with the help of two small dumbbells!

This is a great workout because it’s short and effective, but if you have a bit more time then you can repeat it over and over and really work on sculpting those muscles of yours. This is one of my favorite types of workouts and I’m sure you’re going to love it, too!
On a side note, I’d like to remind you of another exercise routine: the chest and arms workout that also targets on sculpting those arm muscles.
Have a great week, xx

Disclaimer: Any injury sustained from proper or improper use of this workout routine is solely the responsibility of the exerciser. We disclaim any liability from injury sustained from the use of this workout and suggest that you consult your professional healthcare provider before attempting any exercise or exercise program.
Thank you very much, so useful exercises for every day. Well done Ifigenia.