Hello everyone! Happy Monday… It’s the beginning of March and I can tell despite the chilly wind breeze that spring is in the air. Therefore, this calls for a little celebration and a little action. Ifiyenia, in her new video, takes cared of the action part. She partners with a yoga teacher, Tina Gavasiades for a Yogilates partner workout session. In case you don’t know what that is, like myself, it’s the fusion between Pilates and Yoga. It’s the perfect way to exercise while carrying out a flow of moves from both schools.

At first glance it looked hard to me, but on second thought I think it’s quite doable even if you’re a beginner like me. So what do you say? Grab your yoga mat and give it a go. This Yogilates partner workout is meant to be fun and effective for the whole body. It goes without say that it is possible to do this workout with or without a partner. Again, no equipment or gym are required.
Have a great week,

Disclaimer: Any injury sustained from proper or improper use of this workout routine is solely the responsibility of the exerciser. We disclaim any liability from injury sustained from the use of this workout and suggest that you consult your professional healthcare provider before attempting any exercise or exercise program.