Ten years ago, if someone told me that I would be blogging about design, I would simply nod my head and utter a ‘Nay!!! No chance!’ But in the beginning of 2015, I decided ‘Why not?!’ I had just began reading things that other design bloggers wrote, most of which are design lovers and not necessarily in this industry. So it dawned on me that maybe it’s time to also express my views on design and share some of my knowledge with a bigger audience. And that’s how Te Esse came about. So who’s Te Esse? (Read on)…

I assure you that blogging hasn’t been easy. As a matter of fact it was very discouraging trying to blog in a country that is in deep recession and most could care less about design. It sounds somewhat harsh, but this is no time for illusions. Besides, I do believe that great things don’t happen by chance. You must work hard to “earn” them.
So I spent countless hours to learn this new way of coming across. Surely I have learned much, yet it feels like I have only explored the tip of the iceberg. But I have to admit: I love blogging about design. It brightens my day! AND I love the possibility that the things I discuss are actually helping some of you…

Every day we are flooded with information, especially images from all social media. Some of these capture our attention for a split of a second, others for much longer. The way we “edit” and process this information usually results in a “trend-making” pattern. Even the images or colors we discard follow a pattern. Some of these patterns reflect ourselves, but others don’t, simply because they are a result of a “superficial” trend that just “runs” among us and wears off in due time. (I highly recommend that you take a moment to read a sweet and short post I wrote about Style vs Trends.
The interesting part about all this, is the actual interaction and editing process that leads to a better understanding of ourselves. As we grow, our editing process becomes more finely tuned. Some of us to a greater extent than others. And that is when our very personal signature style comes to life.
Personally, I aspire to feel FREE…and freedom means to BE YOU or te esse in Latin. (And that is how I came up with the blog’s name). That may mean swimming occasionally against the current and not following all the trends! But I’d rather be true, because I don’t like wasting my time or yours for that matter.
As a designer and a strong believer in slow design, I praise a mix and match sensibility, because great homes develop over time. Although setting up the perfect home for yourself is an un-mapped journey I believe that my tips, guides and insights can make it more fun and less stressful.
Thus, my aim through this blog is to help you become better and more confident decorators, breaking down in simple terms, the way a decorator approaches a design so that you show your homes some true love after your style. I do that through a series of simple ‘how to‘ guides i.e. mix wood tones, choose the perfect mirror, style a bookcase like a pro, etc.
Perhaps you are eager to start reading about one of the most trendy interior decorating trends and how to make it work? Then these two posts are a great starting point in your journey…
So who’s Te Esse?
It is: You and you and you and you…and I.
It is this creative little web-space I created where I get to be me and share with you my insights, experience and knowledge I’ve gained over the years in my industry, along with an occasional noteworthy interview from an inspiring individual or a house tour, filtered trend reports, travels and splashes of real home-made stories.
So thank you for reading this and I hope you stick around for more, xx

Really? Ohhh, that's sweet! I think you're doing great! 🙂