Fun Reading 11.24

440 440 Velvet

It’s Thanksgiving for so many of you in the U.S. and so I wish you all a glorious time. Judging from some of the photos posted on your Facebook pages it looks like you’ve been having some great Thanksgiving dinners. I find it a wonderful thing to take time off, count blessings and give thanks. As for us here in sunny Greece, it’s time to start decorating for Christmas and do a little Christmas shopping (it’s Black Friday for us here as well). Hey, is it too early for that?  Anyway, I’ve collected some interesting links for reading over this weekend, including tips on green styling!

Interesting links for reading

On green styling

Chances are that you’ve noticed how green styling has been trending big time. Therefore, I chose this link because of its simple tips on green styling to get it spot on. It’s got beautiful imagery to totally inspire anyone!

But what if you took your decorating a step further, like Decorating With Green Walls? Check it out and see for yourself that an all green color palette can look both sophisticated and surreal.

A house tour

Next, I read this post about a white Swedish home with warm brown tones to it. The thing that got my attention to this particular one, is the artwork! Surprised? Well, the matter of the thing is that artwork can have a huge impact in a space. This house has abstract art in dark hues and various extremely interesting sizes. The cool thing about it is that it has been hang in a most interesting way – off centered and as a “space filler” in this composition! That is why I thought that this place was extremely interesting. There is something naughty about it. 😉

DIY decor

Now, if you feel like doing a little something yourself, then try out this DIY holiday LED leaf garland. It’s bound to make everything look merry and bright! It’s simple and very festive.

An innovation & a how to guide

It’s a fact! Everyday wear and tear is bound to happen sooner or later in any interior. That means our wooden furniture will eventually look “older” from accidental scratches and stains. But, it doesn’t have to be this way anymore because of the peelable paint that can be applied on any surface we want to protect from these unsightly scratches or stains. Cool or what?

If however, you are somewhat puzzled about mixing different wood stains, then I have a solution for you – a guide on How to Mix Wood Tones for an Up-to-Date Interior.

Arts: sculptures

And lastly, any of you into sculpting? Then you must check this out…20 fascinating public sculptures. Some I knew of, others not.

Have an awesome weekend,

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