Summer is just around the corner. This is the season that we are all looking forward to – holidays, weekends away, traveling, swimming, cycling, hiking – basically anything one desires becomes a reality without second thoughts. This is also a great season, just before it gets too hot, to do some home improvements!

Undoubtedly, everyone at some point has found oneself in a dilemma about a home improvement undertaking. Some people like myself, find themselves caught in this turmoil constantly! The ultimate motivation behind home improvements should rely on one’s own personal development and growth. Moreover, they reflect one’s comfort zone broadening and may I even dare say “style awakening“.

Design Your Pace & Space
The ultimate goal is to make a house feel like a home that is aesthetically pleasing and fullfuling, cozy and relaxing – basically, worry free. (I wonder if that day will ever come for me)! The rule of thumb is that a well designed home does not leave much room for home improvements later. However, there are those of us who live in a house that was once someone else’s home and now it must become ours and despite one’s efforts, it is still not quite there yet.
If a stylish renovation or remodeling is beyond one’s budget then, there is always room for home improvements, because these will take place over a much longer time span. And there’s nothing wrong with that! As a matter of fact, I’m a fan of slow design and I have embraced its values. Perhaps you should consider slow design as well. (Suggested read: the principles of slow design).
Home Improvement Ideas
Going about your home improvement projects at a slow pace will surely go easy on your wallet. It will also give you enough time to edit and highlight naturally your style. This should result in an outcome with fewer errors and mishaps.
Now, highlighting is the keyword in any type of home improvement. Thus, any home improvement idea aims to highlight your style d by paying attention to the smallest details, especially in terms of home decor. That’s because it’s those small details that make all the difference in the world. It’s those details that add character and have the potential to make your home look more expensive and/or eclectic..

For example, your kitchen/bathroom cabinets may seem to you somewhat indifferent. One solution is to simply change the hardware. However, do not replace the knobs with something indifferent. A knob to die for, is the detail element that can make a huge impact on the way you and others perceive your cabinets. That is of course given that your cabinets doors are in a well kept condition and not chipping away!
Let me give you another example. If your kitchen counter top looks worn out and old then, one solution is to replace it with another with a different color and/or texture. I changed my original kitchen counter top last year (from a smooth whitish to a silvery steel-like with a textured feel to it). That morning was a bit fussy, but the outcome was well worth it. It feels like I have a new kitchen. (In this post I outline more kitchen decorating ideas and similarly, I’ve posted some ideas for improving a bathroom too).
Boldness Pays Off
Be bold and create a good design flow, while adding texture and depth in a room. There are several ways to go about that, but here are some ideas for you to consider as a brainstorm. It is then up to you to see what your next steps should be.

Perhaps you could create an accent wall or a ceiling for that matter. (In this post I’m linking I discuss accent walls vs ceilings and in that post you’ll find some fantastic wallpaper ideas). New curtains or blinds that allow for better light and glare management may be in order. After all, window treatments is a design element with a large impact in any space. If you change your window treatments, you will automatically change the whole vibe to it. It is an instant update without the hustle and bustle of a renovation.

Moving on with ideas, perhaps a room looks somewhat dark. Natural light may not suffice. Therefore, you should consider your lighting – both natural and artificial. Shady corners are anything but charming. I discuss all the lighting basics here (think of it like a crash 101 design course), while I lay out some brilliant designer lighting options.

Introducing greenery is yet another affordable way to add a lively decor element into your adobe. But it is the details that make a difference, so take a closer look at your planters. Perhaps they need a fresh coat of paint or adding on some geometrical patterns to them or keywords to make them more personal. After all adding a touch of typography with a personal favorite word here and there can look amazing.
Tip about your greenery: Be sure to rearrange your plants for a different feel! Remember, some plants grow faster than others and so it is likely that re-positioning them in a different rearrangement may work better for you.
The list of home improvement ideas is endless. However, it is important to remember one thing. Your style is strictly defined by the way you edit and highlight everything. So go on and have fun with it…